Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009


My Friend Thomas says he wants a fez and a Mini Bike. The dune buggy is cool too. I like the Old school Cragar wheels. Hell, I would just be happy with the hat. A fez has a great 1950's Leopard Lodge Howie Cunnungham vibe. It says, "Why yes, I do belong to some sort of club, and yes, as a matter of fact I am drunk in the middle of the afternoon."

Taken July 4th 2009 in Milan, IN home of the 1954 State Champs and the last town in the Western Hemisphere to eradicate Polio (1993).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Plank Jesus -a haiku.

                                               Thank you Plank Jesus.
                                               Your splinters nourish my soul,
                                               Sunday Morning Wood.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Herb Tarlek is your god!

The Hair, the Suit -he is the paradigm. Bow down, swine!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Got Squab?

Trickle-Down Death-Onomics!

The GOP may be against Stem Cell Research...........

......but that doesn't stop them from Playing God!

The right wing fringe from within the Republican Party has exhumed and reanimated the body of Ronald Reagan in a sinister plot to regain control the USA once and for all.

The brain, long ago destroyed by the ravages of Alzheimers, was replaced by a small supercomputer, the likes of which were thought to be centuries beyond the reach of today's technology. In 1984, when Reagan's mind first started failing, the military-industrial complex made the decision to digitize the thoughts and brainwaves of their most beloved leader. All data was stored on nearly three hundred thousand floppy disks, and one hundred fifty Commodore 64 computers are being used to program the artificial brain.

The zombie/cyborg Reagan is rumored to be in an underground bunker at Grissom Air Force Base in Indiana, feeding on the pineal glands of Slavic children, gaining strength for a 2012 presidential run.

It is coming


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Lady Liberty selling her body on the streets of Cincinnati.